Saturday, May 6, 2017

The REAL TRUTH About Gurus

The REAL TRUTH About Gurus

Most marketers are lost in the fog of information overload. Because of this, they eventually are lured by a guru claiming to have all the answers to their marketing woes.

The guru also promises you can make a fortune by just following their advice.

Of course, that advice comes with a hefty price tag.

So what is the truth? It is a land of smoke and mirrors, a carnival of lies that is directed at you for the sole purpose of taking your MONEY

Don't kid yourself here. Most gurus want to turn YOU into their affiliate machine, recurring ATM and USE YOU for their traffic regardless of what most promise to teach you.

Some gurus are actually SETTING YOU UP TO FAIL! They know that the MORE you fail, the more you will SPEND out of sheer frustration.

You will be given just enough information to get your interest up and then you will be asked to spend more money on the latest shiny fad the guru has.

Yet the REAL TRUTH is that many of these gurus laugh at you as being too stupid to know any better.

How Do I Know This?

Recently I attended an internet marketing seminar and actually heard some of the biggest names (you would recognize) discuss the best ways to relieve you of your money and return little or no value.

I actually heard someone say this: "Sucker punch them with a new lifestyle, dazzle them with ideas and dreams that you and I know they will never achieve, make them believe in all of this and then go for the juggler and wallet!"

Yes, YOU are being LIED TO by most of the top gurus.

I wanted you to really let this sink in because until you get this you will spend more money than a drunken sailor on leave in a foreign port.

The Same Is True Of Most Of The "Free Traffic Generation" Gurus

The gurus love the traffic niche as it appeals to almost everybody who wants to make a living online. Incidentally, people who do not understand how to generate traffic are usually clueless about marketing strategies.

Newbies are the guru's favorite target . . .

Some of these gurus were well intentioned (at one point) and had great ideas for building traffic but they learned it was just easier to resell crappy traffic, almost worthless programs for making traffic and marketing courses for unsuspecting folks for easy money.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

Ad Swaps, Solo Ads, and Mailing Lists... BEWARE!

Many people have discovered they can build a business selling ads in the form of mailings if they have a good size list to offer.

At first glance, this seems to be a great way to build traffic; pay a little money to get a guru to do a mailing for you to their list.

You can make money selling your products and even grow your own mailing list at the same time.


While this is very possible, beware. Here are the caveats:

Scam #1 - Freebie Lists

You will probably see clicks and signups but many of these scammers build huge lists of freebie seekers (lowest class of marketing segment) and then resell these "Solo Ads" to people. They promise so many open clicks for your email and usually you can get some sign ups too. The problem is that the real value is to a marketer's BUYER list. It is easy to get freebie seekers to sign up but many of these people will not buy anything.

Scam #2 - All Signups From One Place

Be careful with deals from overseas areas. You will get sign ups to your offer but they all seem to be from one place! More than likely the people you just signed up are sitting in "overseas sweat shops" and are paid a few pennies every time they join a list or do something related to this.

Be wary of overseas list sharing or paid ads and if you see signups coming all from one IP address or geographical location, odds are you have been had and never do business with these people again.

This has become big business and unsuspecting marketers, even the big names, fall for this scam all the time! The scammers are getting better with this scam as they are using software that rotates their IP's or multiple proxies to cover their tracks.

If you do decide to try this make sure you do your homework on who is selling/swapping a list too. Look for reviews and reputable places where other marketers have reported on the success of the list they ran their ad with.

Good marketers will make this information available if they are selling ads.

If you get a reputable ad swap or buy keep in mind that you should consider removing the double opt-in.

I realize some people will say this is a risk when it comes to the spam laws but the double opt-in will greatly reduce your sign ups during the ad run.

Also, make sure your offer for your mailing list is a really GOOD offer. It should be a good product or service that has real value.

Another factor to watch is your opt-outs. If you get sign ups then a few days or week later you get a bunch of un-subscribers, either your offer sucks or again you have been taken to the cleaners.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

Blast It Ads, FFA's And Your Ad to Millions

You are told for a fee (or your email) you can blast an ad to MILLIONS of places that will explode your traffic, sales and help your lists grow.

What you are NOT told is that these free for all sites (called FFA's) simply place your ad on some buried low-value website page by a bot and your ad will NEVER be seen by anyone.

Sure your ad will be either sent to or posted to millions of these kinds of sites - yet if no human ever sees these ads . . . what good are they?

People set up these kinds of sites for one reason; to be able to send you SPAM! When you sign up to have your ad posted you agree to receive email notifications about your ad status, which seems reasonable.

Marketers will send you repeated confirmations about your ad (your ad is live, your ad is now on page 5 please bump it up back to page 1, your ad is no longer showing please refresh your ad) and of course promote all kinds of crap to you in the process with riders on the emails they send you.

You can expect OCEANS of spam mail and remember most of these ads eventually roll off these sites so you will need to re-post over and over. Still, what is the use? If only bots (and maybe you) see your ad what good is it? FFA's (free for all sites) have no value to you UNLESS you own one and turn the tables on these gurus.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

Traffic Getting Software

Almost daily there is the latest "secret release" about how some dude struck it rich because they uncovered the latest "plugin" or freak algorithmic discovery software, or how some underground internet marketer from Russia broke the traffic code . . . that allows you to hack the internet and drive tons of traffic to your website with the push of a button.

In the many years of marketing products online I have never seen anything software based that works like these ridiculous claims say.

The ads these guru's run make this stuff sound cool and sleek and how fortunate you are to have found this software and how this can't stay on the market long to protect the product so you had better sign up or else miss out.

Don't be FOOLED!  I guarantee you it is pure bullshit. If you take the time to do your homework you will discover that these kinds of scams set up shop, rip people off and vanish.

I have seen this scam done so many times it really shocking to me how many people fall for this. Nine times out of ten the software they push is some rip-off of free or shareware with a few tweaks a programmer was paid to make from Odesk for 50 bucks and will never work as shown.

NO software can generate the kind of traffic you need, not without a human component. Sorry. It's just a fact at least at the moment.

There is legitimate software offers that can help you generate traffic, but nine times out of ten you can only partially automate the process. Perhaps someday there really will be a "magic bullet" software but don't bet on it.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

Guaranteed Traffic?

It has been my experience that almost all "guaranteed traffic" sites are little more than frauds. You pay money and they deliver supposedly high-quality traffic and you just sit back and make money.

Yeah right.

Here are some of the ways they rip you off;

1. Pop under's that are annoyances and are usually blocked (and hardly visible if they are not) and people click off immediately (but counted as legitimate traffic to you by these places)

2. Bots visiting your site every few minutes (no human) until your "traffic" is delivered and your hit counter or analytics record it

3. Overseas sweat shops that sell clicks (dozens of people sitting in a room in China clicking on ads that have no intention or even the money to buy anything from you even if they wanted to)

These can be easy to spot as you will see traffic all from the same IP address. More complex scams have software that rotates their proxies and IP addresses.

Spotting them also works by having a look at your web logs. Your average visitor will stay at the page for some time before closing it. So have a look at your logs and see how long people are staying. Take your average user and weigh that against some of the more suspicious ones.

Keep in mind that bots such as Google or Yahoo will identify themselves very clearly in your logs and might have a short visit period. The unique visitor that stays say 5 seconds and seems to stay only 5 seconds visit after the visit is most likely part of a scam.

NEVER pay for traffic except possibly for legitimate and proven media buys or other reliable tried and true sources.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

The Path to REAL Workable Traffic

I'm sure you are aware or have at least heard that some of the top traffic strategies like article marketing, article writing, article submissions, pay per click advertising, media buys, blogging and of course SEO.

I do agree that many of these techniques can be properly used and marketing funnels set up to make them very effective. In fact, you should focus on these as they are all real and 100% legitimate.

The problem is that in order to really make any of these techniques to work well for you, you MUST become knowledgeable in that specific kind of traffic generation technique; something FEW people want to do or have the time to invest doing.

Each has pitfalls, can cost you either gobs of time or countless hours often with crappy results initially because many people do not understand that these "traffic" methods are actually an investment in time versus eventual payout.

You must specialize, practice, fail repeatedly and in the case of pay per click spend a fortune before you finally reduce the learning curve sufficiently so that you can begin to have proper conversions.

In addition simply driving traffic to something is USELESS unless you have a method designed to CONVERT buyers from tire kickers.

The gurus will sell you fancy high packaged "courses" on how to generate traffic - but all of these methods OMIT one truth or gloss over it - unless you can devote FULL TIME to these techniques you are probably wasting your time or will only see minimal results.

The question is do you have a LIFE? The TRUTH is that most people FAIL with these techniques or give up way too soon because they DO have a life and it isn't marketing for 10 hours a day as they have no guidance.

Don't be a victim in this game, make sure you get the right knowledge from the start...

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